Billions of People in this world everyday search in his soul, about their work, their profession, and Asks to them-self, am I Right or Wrong??? "Am I in the Right Path which will lead to a better Future, Or in an incorrect, which will lead to tragedy ?" They ask this question Because they all knows that, they should think before planting the seed, if its apple, then it will lead to many sweet fruits, But if its not, then they knows that what will the results lead them.
So its a very tough call to take, But its actually no that much hard, its so simple.
All you have to remember that, there are only two roads, which you can take in every situation, The first one is The EASY PATH and the Second one Is the RIGHT PATH.
The EASY PATH is the path where every body gets confused. Most of the people take the easy way, because this is the lane where everybody find their Comfort zone. By achieving the comfort zone one get confused, and they forget to ask themselves a vital question. The question is, "Is this a better Path for a long Run, or its like a carrot hanging in-front of a donkey?" If you ask this to yourself, then instantly you will get the right answer. Yes I will give some examples in the end after discussing the right path.
Now what are the RIGHT PATH's ? The right path is nothing but the opposite of the wrong path. When a person works on such kind of thing, that will lead him to a better future in a long run, those paths are the RIGHT PATH's.
That doesn't always mean that easy path are wrong at all. You have to judge that, does those paths are for long term result or short term. Then Choose wisely your path.
The difference between an easy and a right path is, many of you love to play mobile games, but will it help you in a long run ? or you are trying to be in your comfort zone!! You all know that reading a book is a best way to learn something and its a very good habit, but as I discussed earlier, many of you instead of choosing the RIGHT PATH, choose an EASY PATH.
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