But we are not right at all. If those desires were true and gives their results in future, then no parents should be founded in old-age-home, No parents should be divided between their two sons, to take care of their responsibility and no parents should be found in the roads begging for food.
So, it's clear that by seeking their future's happiness, comfort etc. doesn't grow your child better.
Instead of trying to secure their future, if we try to improve their character today, and instead of protecting them from those obstruction of their path, if we teach them to fight against the obstruction, doesn't they will grow stronger?? doesn't their future will be an enlighten one?? ask yourself
First one should teach their child good habits, good knowledge, good behavior, good conversation, good communication, good interaction,and deep their roots into it. Only then you don't have to think about their future, they will build it on their own. And obviously, forget about your old age also, because they will take care of you.
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